Co-Designing for Inclusive Innovation Ecosystems at GAME Change Summit 2024

Earlier this month, several members of the OSB team had the chance to lead an ecosystem mapping and inclusive roadmap building workshop at the 2024 GAME Change Summit. The GAME Change (Generate Advanced Manufacturing Excellence for Change) Summit is a yearly event bringing together innovators from across the Southeastern Commerce Corridor to identify unmet needs in the next-generation manufacturing and supply chain ecosystem, and co-create inclusive solutions together.

The OSB team strongly believes in the importance of diversity and inclusion in all fields, but we especially recognize its significance in the field of innovation. Allowing all backgrounds and demographics to have a seat at the table where decisions are made is critical to supporting the formation of competitive, equitable, and sustainable solutions in all sectors.

Diego Perez, Ashley Touchton, and Meaghan Kennedy facilitated this year’s Summit, guiding attendees through identifying the unmet needs in their ecosystem, and iterating solutions to address those challenges.

“In this session, participants individually brainstormed impactful ideas, shared and conversed with their tables to select the five most valuable ideas. Then, each participant voted on the 40 streamlined concepts, and ranked each for ease of implementation and overall impact to community. Through this exercise, the ideas with the highest impact, that will be the easiest to implement were identified.”

— Ashley Touchton, Partner and Innovation Strategist

"In the pursuit of inclusive innovation, the GAME Change workshop exemplified the power of broad engagement, where diverse participants converge to cultivate growth ideas. Beyond mere technological advancement, the essence lies in fostering expansive networks. As the workshop advanced we could see the potential of regional competitiveness unfolding. The ideas formulated not only catalyze economic vitality but also nurture inclusive networks. I am convinced that with the workshop the GAME Change initiative will be a power hub of change and growth."

— Diego Perez, Innovation Strategist

Our team is passionate about facilitating co-design processes so that participants are empowered to define what an effective solution looks like for their community. We believe that facilitating workshops such as these, where everyone gets a seat at the table and all participants’ voices are equally valued, brings all of us one step closer to making more inclusive innovation ecosystems a reality.

Written by Amy Qu, Innovation Strategist