Inclusive Innovation Ecosystems As Drivers of Change

While inclusivity and diverse representation are necessary in all fields, they are especially crucial when designing for change of any kind. Through our recent work in innovation ecosystem building, we’ve seen first-hand how inclusive innovation can result in the development of more competitive solutions that increase stakeholder buy-in and overall value creation.

We asked several of our OSB team members to share their thoughts on building inclusive innovation ecosystems and their potential benefits to stakeholders.

Diego perez: “The importance of inclusive innovation ecosystems”

In the clip above, Diego Perez introduces the benefits of inclusive innovation ecosystems, a subject he has developed a deep expertise in through his years consulting with clients as an Innovation and Design Strategist at OSB.

In addition to supporting individual prosperity, inclusive innovation ecosystems benefit economically from harnessing the combined skillsets and representing the interests of diverse stakeholders. When diverse perspectives are accounted for, resulting products and solutions are far more likely to be successful, with greater chances of widespread adoption and sustainable implementation.

Ashley Touchton: “What are inclusive innovation ecosystems?”

In the clip above, OSB Partner and Innovation Strategist Ashley Touchton emphasizes the importance of “fostering an environment where diverse individuals and organizations, regardless of background or circumstance, can participate and thrive.”

By giving private, public, non-profit, and academic sector professionals all an equal seat at the table, OSB’s approach to inclusive innovation ensures that any resulting solutions have the greatest chance of success across industries by working towards a mutually beneficial outcome. Aside from representing diverse industries, factors such as cultural background, ability status, spoken languages, and more can contribute to building a truly inclusive innovation ecosystem.

Meaghan Kennedy: “Inclusive Innovation Ecosystems as Drivers of Change”

As OSB Founder Meaghan Kennedy discusses in the clip above, inclusive innovation ecosystems promote the development of equitable solutions and progress towards systemic change.

As mentioned previously, solutions developed with diverse interests and perspectives accounted for are more likely to result in widespread adoption and long-term sustainability. These two factors are key to addressing social challenges, promoting economic growth, and driving technological advancement at scale.

As a team of innovators working towards systemic change, we believe that inclusivity is not an optional consideration; rather, it is an integral component to initiative success.

Written by Amy Qu, Innovation Strategist